Monday, June 29, 2009

Breathing Room

I have finally reached the period in my summer where I can sit back and relax. Croatia was AMAZING! It was so beautiful there and the whole experience was tons of fun. The language barrier was way frustrating, considering none of us could speak Hrvatski (Croatian). But it made me feel better about going abroad next spring, because at least I can speak French. Orientation/work week at CBS was also a lot of fun. How many times in your life can you claim to help seal a dock, help push a dock into a lake, play on a ropes course, and dress up in crazy costumes just to go bowling, all in the span of two weeks? The people there are incredible, I can tell it's gonna be an awesome summer there. I've been home for 3 weeks now, with 2 to go until I get to go back to camp. I feel like in a lot of ways my heart is at camp, but it has been nice to be able to take a step back and unwind from the constant motion. Oh yeah, the 18 hours that nearly killed me? I rocked them. It felt so good! I'm never doing that again, but I am super proud of myself for being able to follow through. I've been interning for Midland's congressman, which has been interesting. It's not always a ton of work, but it is nice to get some experience in how political offices work from the inside. Mainly, I didn't want to sit around and do nothing for 5 weeks. Well, that's all for now - I didn't sleep very well last night because I knew my mom was having knee surgery this morning and I was nervous, but now that it's done and everything is fine, I would LOVE to catch up on that sleep!

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