Sunday, December 14, 2008

Home Sweet Home

It is so nice to be home. I'm not done with finals yet - I still have to do my Media Interpretation & Criticism take home final - but just being home is wonderful. This past week has been so crazy that the only reason I know today is Sunday is because this morning Wes woke me up and invited me to watch church online with him and my mom (my mom can't really leave the house right now due to her recent knee surgery). Tuesday was the last day of class at good ole Trinity University and it was also the day that Kelli arrived. My room mate Becca and I really needed to get rid of leftover money on our meal plans, so we celebrated the end of class with a fajita party. It was pretty great until the next morning, when we realized that we had to clean up all the mexican food. YES. After the excitement died down Kelli and I went on an adventure driving around San Antonio with Andrew. It was a little lacking in adventure, except for the few minutes when it SNOWED!!!!!!! It didn't last very long but it was so exciting to see this happen. Wednesday was a blur of shopping and extreme laziness. Thursday was spent almost entirely in the library and taking finals, except for the "study break" that occured when someone broke into Kelli's car. Friday was more shopping and getting a new window put in Kelli's car. Yesterday, I studied all morning long then went up to take my Early Modern Europe final. But when I was crossing the street, I tripped over one of my flip flops and wiped out in the road. My hand got cut pretty badly and wouldn't stop bleeding in time for the final. I hope my professor doesn't mind the blood underlining a lot of my writing... after that horror final was done, I peaced out and drove as fast as I could to Midland. And here I am. My mom's doing a lot better than I was expecting. She is pretty hyper during the day and a little loopy from the painkillers (she got really excited today about her surgery and made a powerpoint about ALL her experiences). I'm not gonna lie, I will probably get frustrated helping to take care of her. But for right now, I'm just glad she's okay. More than anything, I'm glad to be home and slow down for awhile.

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