Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Simply AMAZING!!

I recently discovered one of the most amazing musical creations ever. However, to fully explain it, I guess I should go back to a few weeks ago...
Whenever there's something happening in my life for an extended amount of time, I like to find new music to define the time. So whenever I hear a song, I can usually relate it back to a certain time in my life. For example, Jason Mraz's album, Waiting for my Rocket to Come, would have been in my car right after I got my license. So anyway, I'd been home for a couple weeks and decided I would make a trip to Best Buy to get a new CD. I had listened to Coldplay's Viva La Vida album when it came out, but I never bought it because I was working at camp and it didn't make sense to buy a CD when I would rarely have time to listen to it. But since I clearly had the time to listen to it during break, I went ahead and bought it. I've always liked Coldplay, but this album is phenomenal. I don't know how many times I've played it the few weeks I've had it. I don't think there's a song on the CD that I don't like, but I definitely have some favorites, one of which is Life in Technicolor. There are no words, but the music and the beat are so irresistable that it was hard for me not to bust out dancing alone in my car (and sometimes, I did). I thought that this song would be awe-inspiring, if only it had lyrics. Well last night I was driving and looking for some good music on my XM radio. When I got to one station, I heard Life in Technicolor. I was SO excited that it was on the radio and I started humming along with the music. But then, out of nowhere, Chris Martin (coldplay's lead singer) comes in and starts singing. WHAT??? It was amazing. The second I got home I searched the song on iTunes and found an EP that Coldplay released soon after Viva La Vida came out. I was just going to buy the song, but the rest of the songs were interesting enough that I just bought the entire EP. And I'm so glad I did, because when I listened to it this morning, I came across AMAZINGNESS. The song Lost is already really really good. But in this version, it gets even better. You go through the first two verse/chorus progressions and are really into the song. And although I felt like the song couldn't get any better, out of nowhere Jay-Z comes in and starts rapping! Jay-Z and Coldplay. In the same song. Who could have imagined that? In order to not appreciate this song, one would have to have extremely sheltered musical taste. So I highly recommend that everyone listen to this song and be equally amazed!

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